The personal loan is a consumer credit. It can allow you to finance all your projects, even without a contribution. Depending on the amount borrowed and your repayment capacity, you can generally spread your repayment period over 06 to 384 months. The conditions of the loan are known when the contract is signed. The interest rate, the amount of monthly payments and the total cost of credit are fixed. They depend on the amount borrowed and the repayment term chosen by the borrower. The quicker you repay, the lower the cost of your loan.

Investment designates a financial contribution intended to increase the wealth of the person who commits it. This is a fund that is granted to you immediately with the aim of obtaining a quantifiable, long-term positive effect in your business. We offer investment in your business for:
* Increase productivity through investment in new machine tools
* Win new customers or work on your brand image by investing in an advertising campaign
* Save time on production time
* Ultimately lower costs and increase profits
Making an investment can also be useful to maintain turnover or to modernize equipment. Find quick and good investment here

Real estate credit is loan financing intended to cover all or part of a real estate purchase, a construction operation, or work on existing real estate.
It most often concerns housing (home loan), used by the owner either for their main or secondary residence, or to rent it to a third party. It can also concern an entire investment property, or even business real estate.
The home loan is a long-term loan. Its repayment period varies between 10 to 25 years but loans of less than €50,000 can be repaid in less than 10 years. The amount of a real estate loan is generally between 50% to 80% of the price of the property, the rest being financed by personal contribution. Find a loan here to buy real estate.

Granting a mortgage is a risk. It is taken by the lending organization. This is why the borrower's situation is scrupulously studied at the time of the loan application. The amount lent is generally significant, even in the case of a loan without a mortgage. And the duration of the credit is often long, 17 years on average.
A borrower's situation may change during the term of the loan. If the latter cannot repay his credit, the lender must protect himself with the guarantee to get paid.
To make it easier for everyone to obtain credit, the mortgage-free loan exists. This means using a guarantor organization to guarantee the loan without filing any real estate document.